I really enjoy this sparkling white wine. I have it almost everyday with dinner and I love that it is non-alcoholic!
It's lovely having the sparkly rose with lunch and no guilt. Would welcome a flat rose if not too sweet.
I find the can very convenient when going to an event/celebration where you have to BYOB. When one only would like a small glass of wine, rather than opening a bottle it is easier to open a can.
My doctor recommended I not drink alcohol, and I love a good Malbec or Merlot. These wines don't have the deep complex taste that I love, but they are light and refreshing. I like having them for those times that everyone else is having the regular wine. I don't feel like I'm missing out! The price point is good, and it's Canadian!!
Still reds are still not my favourite. I find they are light and lack body. I wish I liked them more, but will stick with the sparkling wines for now.
I usually drink my wine on the dry side so found this on the sweet side. Finding that out I did like the Cab Merlot
Vin au goût très léger, j'apprécie l'absence de sucre et me permet d'avoir d'excellentes soirée entre amis et cela sans alcool.
Je me demande si des vins un peu plus corsé sont aussi disponibles?
I enjoy being able to purchase the cans by the case with red wine and sparkling wine. The cans are convenient when attending a BYOB event.
I am always so impressed it is always so satisfying to drink I need to reorder soon Cheers
I really like the format of wine in cans because it’s a more flexible portion size and easy to recycle (our nearest glass recycling depot here on Vancouver Island is 60 km away!). I love the sparkling red and rose but am less keen on the sparkling white. It would be great if there was an option to go with an “all red” or “all rose” 12-pack sometimes in the wine club. Would also appreciate having the can option for the Malbec and Cab Franc - both of which are awesome!
This is a brilliant option for those wanting to either eliminate alcohol or reduce the amount they are consuming. The membership simplifies my life as I don’t need to worry about my orders.
Really like the product. I would also like a slightly dryer rose. My only complaint has nothing to do with the product. I really struggle with the uncorking. A still rose with a screw top is what I need.
Customer service is fabulous. Congratulations. And you can push the Canada feature.
Val Smith, Victoria
I want to like these but so far the two that we’ve tried are very light. Drinkable but not full bodied enough. Love the fact that is 0g of sugar.
There is no sugar, or alcohol, in this wine...which is made from good wine grapes and nicely crafted. As a non-alcoholic wine, it tastes quite sophisticated and reserved. It's great with pork tenderloin and seared baby bok choi. Ones+ is one of my favorite choices as a food wine.
Unfortunately, I was expec That like the no alcohol beer, the tast would very much resemble a full bodied tadte. It was like drinking a cool aid that although was not s’oppose to be sparkling, was very close to it. It completely lacks taste
I really like this product. All of the feels of sitting down with a glass of wine.
I will repurchase regularly.
I can’t drink alcohol but love sipping wine with meals etc. So I was missing being about to have my wine. Then my daughter discovered Ones and introduced me to it. It is amazing!
The white and rose tasted dry, very bubbly , and delicately delicious. The red is not as good, but I made a Sangria out of it and it was much better!